Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.
We Are In A Comfort Crisis, But There Is An Antidote!
We were not meant to be stuck indoors, glued to screens and comfortable 24-7 and we know it. Deep down, we know that the comforts we enjoy, have come with a big price. Some might even say that we are in the middle of a Comfort Crisis! Don’t worry, I will not doom and gloom you with statistics regarding the increase in anxiety, obesity, depression, drug use, heart disease etc. We all know someone who is unwell, stressed out, and burned out. That person might even be you or someone in your own family.
We are constantly pushing our nervous systems and our bodies into the red zone and like a car driven without oil changes and general upkeep eventually a total breakdown follows. Too much screen time, too many activities, too much indoor time, not enough sleep, not enough time to slow down to experience awe and wonder and there is no wonder why things have gotten out of balance. Okay, no more doom and gloom, after all this is meant to be a how to feel better post! Specifically, this a post about how Tenkara fishing can improve your quality of life by helping you to connect to your Blue Mind.
Sounds too good to be true? Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and call up your perfect watery image. See yourself in the water or looking into it from the shore or riverbank. Listen to the waves crashing or the trickling sound as the stream goes over stones. Do you feel more relaxed? Maybe you are even smiling and all you did was picture your perfect watery scene in your mind. Why do you think so many Dr.’s Offices and hospitals have paintings or pictures depicting water? Sure, going to the mountains or even the desert can be restoring, but eventually, we are drawn to water and for good reason.
Being On, In, Or Even Near Water Is Good For You!
It is true. Simply being in, on or even near water improves your quality of life. I know this is true for me. In fact, just thinking about the ocean or a river brings down my blood pressure and increases my tranquility. This is magnified tenfold when actually in the ocean or wading in a stream. The late Dr. Wallace J. Nicholas dedicated his life to sharing this reality and did so through science, research, and deep exploration. He put his discoveries into the landmark book, Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do.
The essence of the book is captured nicely in this 2017 USA Today Interview. Below is an expert from this amazing Q & A:
Q: What’s the concept of “Blue Mind” ?
A: The term “blue mind” describes the mildly meditative state we fall into when near, in, on or under water. It’s the antidote to what we refer to as “red mind,” which is the anxious, over-connected and over-stimulated state that defines the new normal of modern life. Research has proven that spending time near the water is essential to achieving an elevated and sustained happiness.
I like to ask people I meet, “What’s your water?” This essentially means, “What’s the first water you think of and what’s the water you dream about and long for? What does it feel like, smell like and look like?” These questions make people contemplate their relationship with water.
Q: Why is it so important to vacation by the water?
A: Research has shown that being near, in, on or under water can provide a long list of benefits for our mind and body, including lowering stress and anxiety, increasing an overall sense of well-being and happiness, a lower heart and breathing rate, and safe, better workouts. Aquatic therapists are increasingly looking to the water to help treat and manage PTSD, addiction, anxiety disorders, autism and more. We’ve found that being near water boosts creativity, can enhance the quality of conversations and provides a backdrop to important parts of living — like play, romance and grieving. All of this depends on these waters being safe, clean and healthy, of course.
Got It! Water Is Good For Me, but fishing? And What Is Tenkara Anyway?

Did I lose you at fishing? I know for some; fishing can bring about some complicated emotions. Perhaps you are feeling a bit tangled up inside (pun intended)? I get it! Tangled lines, fishhook mishaps, competition with your friends…might not scream relaxation. Most of my childhood and adult fishing experiences were really more about getting my line untangled from a tree, or attempting to fix my reel, than actually catching fish. For many, this is where their fishing journey ends. The frustrations with fishing mishaps and the potential high cost involved with replacing or fixing gear, keeps a lot of people away from this fantastic form of recreation that can deepen your connection to the watery world and your Blue Mind. This is where Tenkara fishing comes to the rescue!
Tenkara, a Heavenly Method Of Fly Fishing From The Mountains Of Japan
Tenkara is a method of flyfishing that originated in the mountains of Japan several centuries ago. I have seen the word Tenkara, translated from Japanese, to mean “from heaven.” This makes sense as the fisherman who made their living catching and selling trout and other prized species, had to venture high into the mountains, closer to the heavens, to access their cold-water habitat. In the last two decades or so, Tenkara has gained in popularity, likely due to its beautiful simplicity. All you need to get started with Tenkara is a rod, a line, tippet and a fly. No more tangled up reels and far fewer tangled lines. Did I mention the cost of getting started with Tenkara is far less than conventional fly-fishing setups and other methods.
Finding The Right Rod and Setup Is Easier Than You Think
With Tenkara, you can be ready to fish in a very short time. Step one is to find a rod and setup that works for you. This can be an overwhelming process as there are many great companies in this relatively small niche market. Allow me to narrow your search and introduce you to DRAGONtail Tenkara. Full disclosure, I am an affiliate, however this came long after my first purchase. Roughly ten years ago, I was working on a blog series for TeacherCents on work life balance and the benefits of hobbies. I started researching fishing and came across a YouTube video of some guy’s fishing with what looked like bamboo cane poles I grew up on, but far cooler. They were catching a lot of fish with ease, and it looked like they were having a lot of fun! I was hooked.
The guy’s fishing were from the Tenkara Rod Company in Idaho. I would later get a rod from them for my research and fell in love with Tenkara. I wrote about it in this blog, the benefits of hobbies and work life balance. Shortly after posting that piece, life got busy and I changed jobs and Tenkara went back on the gear shelf. When I started Adventures With Nature, I reconnected with my love of Tenkara and discovered DRAGONtail Tenkara. From the get-go, their stellar online reviews regarding their exceptional customer service and quality products at an affordable price drew me in. I purchased their big fish rod, the HellBender and absolutely loved it! Many rods later and numerous interactions with the owner, I can wholeheartedly recommend their products. You can use this link to visit DRAGONtail.com.
Spend time on their website checking out each rod and their intended purpose and go for it. Read the blogs and watch the videos while waiting for your delivery. Once your package arrives, put everything together and head for your local stream, pond, river, lake or even ocean. Keep it simple and try not to overthink your journey. Remember, Tenkara is a bridge to your Blue Mind and better health. Catching fish is the bonus! Pretty soon you will be spending more time on or near the water and will be telling your friends and family about this heavenly pastime. Be prepared, people might come to you first asking what your secret is to looking so healthy, relaxed, and in the moment.
Book Lover? Visit My Getting Started With Tenkara Bookshop Page
If you are like me, you will get hooked by Tenkara and will want to learn everything you can about its origin, techniques and best practices. You will find some great books on the subject as well as Blue Mind and a few others on my Bookshop Page. Happy fishing and happy reading! I really hope that you spend more time with water, ideally with a Tenkara rod, and that you find peace in this hectic world. Stay tuned for more Tenkara posts coming soon.